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Terms and conditions

Legal notice

Saudi Arabian Oil Company (“Saudi Aramco”), is a Saudi joint stock company established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by virtue of Royal Decree No. M/8, dated 4/4/1409H (corresponding 13/11/1988G) with fully paid capital of SAR 60,000,000,000 and registered in the city of Dhahran under commercial registration no 2052101150.

Saudi Aramco owns and operates this website ( (“Site”) and related mobile applications. Before using our Site, please read these terms carefully. By using this Site, you signify your agreement to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use this Site or any of the affiliated mobile applications. This includes downloading and installing on your device. Saudi Aramco may modify these terms of use, as it deems necessary, at any time and without notice.

About gives you information about us and about the other companies in our group together with the services they offer. The Site is an information source. You cannot purchase products or services from our Site directly. All products and services provided by members of the Saudi Aramco Group of companies are subject to the terms and conditions and disclaimers of the applicable agreement governing their supply and use.

Local websites

Your use of any website of another Saudi Aramco Group member (“Local Website”) shall be governed by both these terms and the terms and conditions of the Local Website. However, where these terms conflict with those of the Local Website, the terms and conditions of the Local Website shall prevail. Please read carefully any Local Website terms and conditions before using the Local Website.

Links to other websites

For your convenience, this Site may contain links to other websites, including some sites administered by Saudi Aramco, or administered by other companies on behalf of Saudi Aramco, as well as to sites unrelated to Saudi Aramco. Each website should be checked for its own terms and conditions of use and privacy statement advising you it uses your personal information. Saudi Aramco is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of linked websites that are not administered by or on behalf of Saudi Aramco. A link on this Site to any other website not administered by or on behalf of Saudi Aramco does not imply (1) that Saudi Aramco agrees with or endorses the information, data or representations contained therein; (2) that Saudi Aramco sponsors, endorses, or is affiliated with or otherwise connected with such site, or with the company(ies) that operate it; or (3) that Saudi Aramco has authorized the linked site to use any names, logos and trademarks or copyrighted material of Saudi Aramco or its affiliates.

Information Website


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    +966 11 297 8950
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